Yacht Aditi

Ocean Sailor No More!

The beginning of the end. The Ocean Sailor gives up his freedom, nights rolling at anchor, tinned food in bowls, stories of the ocean wave, of fishing, of customs houses, boat boys, lobsters, wahoo & mahi-mahi, dolphin, whales, live blues, rum, dangers in the night, the meeting of so many nomadic friends and sleepless nights at sea lashing things to the deck, reefing and watching in exchange for…..Corporate Man!  I mean just who is that? It’s all wrong isn’t it? Mmmmm, go round again??? Which way is south? How satisfying will the future ‘long legs’ of 65nm across the Channel be?



5 thoughts on “Ocean Sailor No More!

  1. AAHHHH NO … not corporate man – don't do it in any dimension.

    Please let the hair flow because if you have still got it flaunt it. I was up for the challenge to see who had the biggest Mop and now I am the clear winner. However I need more than 65nm legs if I am to earn the creds of being a Mop wearer:-)

    In the meantime turn around go south if only to give the rest of us corporate men something to dream about over the cold lunch time sandwich.

    Either that or think up a daft summer adventure that you can spend you winter months planning for – any ideas?

  2. Oli, how cold is it up this way? Has the world flipped 180 whilst we have been away because this isn't summer? Unfortunately looks like I will have to dream again over the regular cold sandwich rather than a chilli laced wahoo…

  3. Oli, how cold is it up this way? Has the world flipped 180 whilst we have been away because this isn't summer? Unfortunately looks like I will have to dream again over the regular cold sandwich rather than a chilli laced wahoo…Paul

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