Yacht Aditi

Fingers, Chef Dutch, Uppies and Loomies

So first of all we have a finger-off. OK my local guy wins because he actually lost his finger. But then does he? Maybe there are points to be won over finger style? So I show him mine and he says ‘ouch’ (that’s kid of what he said..) and then he shows me his…but I can’t say ouch that’s fantastic because it’s not there! I can only say ‘where is is it?’. Now this last happened with the witch doctor in Bequia who for a 5EC (£1.10gbp) consultation told me to bathe it in Epsom Salts. Then he said that’s

Can’t get ac-custom-ed to it?

Checking in and where’s the customs house? Went past the heaving ferry terminal and hoped it wasn’t in there – bet it is though. We end up in the fish market and meet Big Dave who leads us back to the meleh of the ferry terminal                 Customs is often a kind of underground thing and we are led to a black door at the side of the terminal which is then unlocked and we are on a dockside. Customs is down the line. We meet the guys who are very unusually not

It’s a bit odd

One of the ways to reach land in Rouseau, Dominica, is to land at Seacat’s dock. It’s big and looks fit for purpose. That’s step 1 over. Step 2 you arrive at his back garden gate and then go through his back garden, across his lower terrace, and up the side of the house to his front door then out onto the street. That’s odd and it’s even stranger coming back the other way.

Off to Dominica

The wind has been blowing East 15-25kn for 4 months. Part way down Martinique is switches to North West? What’s going wrong? Initially we motored back winded as it was only 5 kn but as it started to pick up we went on the other tack. Now the boat is only stored such that provisions can take a starboard tack as there should be no port tack going north. It could be that we won’t see the floorboards again for a while if we heel. But ahead in the distance is a line of white water. The mountains are causing