Yacht Aditi

Day 12: Marigold Squid Production up 100%

We motored last night to try and get back in touch with the rear of the fleet and I think it helped. Winds were mainly 5 to 8kn so sailing wasn’t possible during the first half of the night. About 7am we went under full main and deep reefed genoa running at 155 degs in 16 to 23kn ESE wind. Making 7 to 8.5kn as the wind cycles up and down within the range every 15 minutes. Why it’s not stable in the ocean is a mystery but maybe it’s surface friction over the swell. Wave shapes and sea state change almost as often. This morning we let out our pink Marigold glove squid and trawled until lunch.

The squid proved popular as there was just a tiny loop of trace wire left. Trace wire is a problem for us as Captain Canary was shut when I went to buy some high rated line on the morning of departure at Las Palmas. We will have to loop our 60lb trace wire and see what happens. Trawled the professional lure all afternoon but no interest. So it’s back to squid manufacture and I am thinking about a two colour finger and thumb version.


It’s a very clear night with stars alone providing plenty of light. We had a long debate about keeping full main running into the night so we can catch up but decided to go back to our policy of keeping it safe.

We only have one person on watch any time at night so the decision to reef was made. Good call as it was mad enough taking in some main in 23kn wind. Now making 5.5 to 6.5kn; if we had headsail furling we would ease out the sail. Bit worried about Liberte if position reports are correct they have been making about 2.3kn today but we know they are in good 20kn wind?

Vital sadistics: c.1918 nm to go Wind ESE 16-23kn From the galley: Bacon & Egg roll, Lamb casserole in rosemary and red wine jus with mint jelly (big mistake it’s 31 deg C and cooking adds humidity so took about 2 hours to cool off). Useless F&V: All celery thrown away in Mindelo. Kiwi fruit lobbed overboard today. One orange turned into a green dry powder bomb.


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