Rolling downhill to Horta
We are bouncing along in the usual lumpy sea but unlike a few days back we now occasionally get a favourable as well as adverse current. We are under genoa only and it’s small so only making 4.5 to 5.5kn in 15-22kn tailwind. No point in speeding up as we can’t go fast enough to get to Horta in daylight so we will slow it down and arrive on Weds morning. Wind is due to continue through next few days.
Now seeing lots of seabirds. For a moment we heard about two words on VHF but unable to find any sign of where from. Always exciting when VHF suddenly goes into life. Now 4 hours later it looks like something small is creeping up behind – very weak radar reflection – coming at us out of the moon which is so bright it’s like looking into the sun. Although it’s 0130hrs I expect to see sails before nav lights! Trying to get FM radio but nothing yet.
The second new Jabsco bilge pump failed today so in the midst of two bilge alarms sounding in different zones as we rolled in the seas nothing was going to take the water levels down. Trying to stop even the now lifted floorboards from flying around was bad enough but the thought of removing and rebuilding the pump did not appeal. As a test I broke the intake side of the tubing and shoved it in a saucepan full of water. Lucky day – running a litre of water through cleared an obstruction and we were back in business.
The downwind rolling is a complete pain and it’s not that easy to get around so we are moving from handhold to handhold. The day was overcast and grey and the water, now only 22.6 deg C, started to look a bit grey as well. Not quite English Channel grey but it was bridging the gap between that and the beautiful blue seas of the tropics.
I have been reading that many in Russia would like a return to the old ways so they know where they stand and how things work. They illustrate life through this story: A man has been on the waiting list for a new car for six years. He get’s a call from the car dealer. I have good news for you. Your car will be ready for you exactly to this day five years from now. The man says to the dealer ‘will it be delivered in the morning or afternoon?’ The dealer says why? What’s it to you? And the man replies ‘well I have already booked the plumber for that morning’.
DTG 165nm
Galley Chinese Beef Curry with Basmati Rice, Bacon & Mash
Barometer 1020