Birthday Sleepover
Sophie wanted a sailing sleepover for her 14th birthday in May. As Aditi was still on the hard (in fact still on the sale stand) we decided to wait until she was in the water.
Our first opportunity was 24th June and so we all piled into the car, including Pepe, and headed for Brighton for a sensational sunny sailing weekend.
We arrived with a Force 7 and rain….the rain kindly stopped but it was still too windy and by 8pm on Saturday we had fog and the fig horn was sounding. This continued until lunchtime Sunday when suddenly the fog lifted and we were bathed in beautiful sunshine! The girls (Sophie, Sophie and Annalise) spent all morning swinging from the mast while Paul and I put batons in the sails. Richard our temporary neighbour from the catamaran Jastique helped lift Paul up the mast to see where we could put our windex. Paul said being 80 foot up wasn’t as bad as he’d anticipated!
So with the sunshine and light wind we sped out of the harbour and had some fun.
Annalise swinging from the mast
360 of Aditi sailing in less than a Force 3